Millard makes custom Belt Conveyors for moving your containers and products for most applications in the Canned and Container Industries. Our conveyors are designed to Safe and Sanitary Design Standards with durable construction for years of service. See our Belt Conveyors in Support Equipment & Services for product descriptions and features.
With the standard high quality we put into all our conveyors, Millard can provide Magnetic Hold Down Conveyors to control your empty or full cans. The powerful stationary magnets will steady empty cans as they pass over them. Our conveyors are generally used inside of machinery to steady the cans and remove variation in positioning. We have also made them for other processes where alignment is crucial. All the standard features found on our Belt Conveyors in the Support Equipment/Services.
The Millard LiquiFillâ„¢ was developed as an efficient Liquid Filler / Top-Off design that can be custom fit to your specific product and application. Our Liquid Filler is a continuous flow process to fill and/or "top-off" cans (or containers) passing through a precision waterfall of most any flowable liquid from single or multiple weirs. The process provides precision adjustments to flow and head space volumes while recapturing and recirculating virtually all the liquids within the system. Speed and volume requirements determine the Filler machine's overall length. Millard supports full integration into your new or existing lines. See our "Case Study" for more details.
Millard's Piston Filler has evolved from years of innovations and successful applications. Our Piston Filler is a rotary machine containing up to 40 pistons and a capacity up to 800 cpm (cans per minute). Applications are best suited for thicker or heavy viscosity slurries. The rotary process fills and unloads each piston with an exact volume of fluids via a dynamic ramp/track process. The cans and containers travel underneath each piston and are filled as they travel around the rotary path. This machine allows the filling of cans or containers in one operation versus multiple filling processes necessary where thicker liquids cannot be pumped and watering down is required. Your final mix can be filled in one process and consistency maintained.
Millard manufactures custom Tanks (non-pressure vessels) for the Food Industry in most any shape or size. Our Tanks are designed to Safe and Sanitary Design Standards with durable construction for years of service. See our Tanks in Support Equipment & Services for product descriptions and features.